400 questions woop

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Another meme, this time in Comic Sans

1. Name: Jessica Burriss huheheueheuhe
2. Nickname(s): fuckface
3. Birthday: Oct 23 '95
4. That makes you: 17 ewwww
5. Where were you born: loris, sc i believe
6. Location right now: my bed
7. Shoe size: 8 usually, depends on brand
8. How many piercings?: 2, ear piercings
9. Tattoos?: None yet
10. When you wake up you're: UGLY tired
11. When you're about to sleep you're: not sleeping
12. Zodiac sign: libra i think the shit with the scales
13. Chinese sign: pig? no clue maybe rat
14. Righty or Lefty: right
15. Innie or Outie: innie
16. School: Socastee woo represent i hate that place

Section Two: Looks

17. Nationality: Irish/German/all the white races
18. Hair colour: mousy brown, dyed red
20. Weight: 115 or so
21. Height: 5'8" and 3/4 so says the doctor
22. Braces? need em
23. Glasses? yeah

Section Three: Private Life

24. Do you have a boy/girlfriend? currently no
25. If so, who? N/A
26. If not, do you have a crush on someone? everyone
27. Who has a crush on you? everyone
28. Ever cheated on your bf/gf? hell to the no only assholes do that
29. Who was your first kiss: a guy i didn't want it to be
30. Who was your last kiss: a guy i wanted my first to be
31. Are you a virgin? nope
32. Ever had a threesome before? psh i wish no
33. some asshole deleted this question because it was "creepy" just don't fuckin answer it if it's creepy don't ruin the meme for others
34. Have you ever been in love? yeah
35. Broken any hearts? yeah
36. Got your heart broken? not yet
37. Ever liked a friend? yeah i don't date people who i don't know
38. What happened? i dated them and then we broke up times 3

Section Four: Past Relationships

39. How many relationships have you been in? 4
40. How many were serious enough to count: 2
41. Who were those serious ones: some guy i didn't wanna date and my future husband
42. fucking deleted question
43. What made them different: dunno
44. What happened: shit
45. Best boy/girlfriend: him
46. Worst boy/girlfriend: everyone other than him
47. Ever been kissed: yeah
48. Who do you want back: him
49. Who do you regret: everyone other than him
50. Why?: because i never even liked them i just wanted a boyfriend

Section Five: Favourites

51. Song: every song ever
52. Movie: fox and the hound
53. Food: anything cheesy specially pizza
54. Drink: chocolate silk
55. Store: bed bath and beyond
56. Television show: agah ugh nip/tuck, breaking bad, others i'm too lazy to list
57. Holiday: christmas + thanksgiving i love eating
58. Book: none
59. Ice cream: cookies and cream, and ben and jerrys cinnamon bun
60. Sweets: chocolate and werther's hard caramels mmm
61. Crisps: cool ranch doritos
62. Type of music: alternative
63. Artist: like 20 ties so
64. Word: fuck
65. Time of day: used to be night but now i go to bed at 8 pm soooooo early early morning
66. Dressing: french
67. Alcoholic drink: piss
68. Colour(s): blue green turquoise
69. Piece of clothing: big hoodies and long shorts
70. Character: eh
71. Smell: strawberriessss
72. Shampoo: no preference
73. Soap: any body wash that smells yummy
74. Smiley: ewe
75. Board game: Life, Clueeeeeee
76. Sport: None
77. Number: 7
78. Quote: "no" "hey gurllllllllllllll" - him
79. Animal: cat, hate em too
80. Actor: leo dicaprio woop woop
82. Vegetable: carrot. is lettuce a veggie? i love lettuce
83. Fruit: apples/oranges
84. Place to be: home doing literally anything
85. Thing in your room: computer, bed, pillows, blanket
86. Gum: extra, peppermint
87. Shape: what
88. Country: i haven't been to them all so i can't judge
89. Mall: we have a tanger outlet and it has tons of shit so tanger i guess
90. Car: could not give more of a fuck
91. Boy's name: Austin
92. Girl's name: Chloe
93. Family member: my aunts wendy and sandra
94. Restaurant: dairy queen burgers and shakes is a great combo
95. Movie place: grand 14 heh it's closest and has a lot of memories
96. Person to go to the movies with: my mom actually because i feel awkward going with my friends
97. Noise: thunder
98. Brand of shoe: blowfish i have a pair of their boots and i loveeeeeeeeeee them
99. Brand of clothing: anything that fits and is cute
100. Body part of a chicken: i am a breast woman
101. Swear word: FUCK
102. Month: december lots of time off school plus christmas and then we come back to new classes weow
103. Possession: hands
104. Team: i don't like sports
105. Season: fall
106. Radio station: Pandora
107. Magazine: Tween Dream 13 eeeeeee <3 i don't read magazines
108. Favourite grade: 4th because i had the best best friend ever, and 12th hah it hasn't even happened yet but i have all easy shit from this point on and a trip to disney and then i'm done with school forever wee
109. Least favourite grade: i dunno everything kinda sucks but i never was bullied so
110. Favourite teacher: i have a lot, mrs dulin has adhd and it makes her so awesome i love her enthusiasum for science and she's funny and i was her teacher's pet heheuehu and mr. fox know i was the smart one in the class and i liked the class even though it was social studies and i hate social studies and he was cool and funny and made monty python references and aughguhg and mrs chilson was funny and hip and i loved her and she like understood me hah and we had little inside joke things like when someone would do something stupid we'd both look at each other like "goddd" eeueuegaua
111. Least favourite teacher: Mr. Alexander. fucking racist sexist homophobe
112. Subject: Science
113. Subject to talk about: science and english, i like reading some of the stories in english, like flowers for algernon

Section Six: Family

114. Who's your mum?: A lady
115. Who's your dad?: an asshole
116. Any step-parents?: I don't even know if my dad technically remarried so a possibly
117. Any brothers?: Yes, one older
118. Any Sisters?: yep, one younger
120. Coolest: my sadly ex-uncle, he was in a rock/punk band and had drums and mics and guitars in his huge shed and tried teaching me how to play drums, he was really funny and good with kids and :C
121. Loudest: the only cousin i actually hung out with
122. Best relative: My aunts already said this
123. Worse relative: well my grandpa was a huge asshole but he isn't here anymore, my uncle jesse is just like my dad so i hate him too
124. Do you get along with your parents? mom yeah
125. With your siblings? i don't really talk to my brother much
126. Does anyone understand you? nope
127. Do you have any pets?: one asshole cat and two asshole guinea pigs
128. If so, what kind and name? The cat is oreo and the pigs are dusty and clay, all are named because of their colours
129. If not, what do you want as a pet?: a medium/small dog, like a little corgi or collie
130. Can I be a part of your family? no fuck off

Section Seven: School

131. Are you still in school? yes
132. Did you drop out?: no
133. Your current GPA: last i heard it's a 3.4 which is rediculous 
134. Do you buy or bring lunch?: bring "lunch" by the end of the year it was usually just a pack of poptarts or some crackers
135. ABC's?: yes
136. Favorite class: science repeat
137. Play any sports at school?: nope
138. Are you popular?: people kinda know me i guess, but i'm not like super popular friends with everyone
139. Favourite memory: In school? i dunno
140. Most humiliating moment: none i can remember
141. Most funniest moment: can't remember
142. Most scared moment: none

Section Eight: What do you think of when you hear

145. Chicken: skipping this, it's not the same when you have to read the word out
146. Dog:
147. Christina Aguilera:
148. Ricky Martin:
149. 50 cent:
150. Poop:
151. Beach:
152. Desert:
153. Water:
154. Osama:
155. Love:
156. Your little brother:
157. Butt:
158. Clowns:
159. Wonder:
16o. Brown:
161. Banana:
162. Sex:
163. Parents:
164. Homosexuals:
165. God:

Section Nine: Do you believe in

166. God: no
167. Heaven: no
168. Devil: people are devils
169. Hell: no
170: Boogy man: no
171. Closet Monsters: no
172. Fortune tellings: no
173. Magic: no
174. Love at first sight: that, is called infatuation, and is based solely on looks
175. Ghosts: no
176. Voo-doo dolls: no
177. Reincarnation: i wish
178. Yourself: no

Section Ten: Do you

179. Smoke: No 
180. Do drugs: No
181. Drink alcohol: Nope
182. Cuss: all the mother fucking time
183. Sing in the shower: sometimes
184. Like school: meh
185. Want to get married: i don't really care
186. Type with all of your fingers: no
187. Think you're attractive: meh
188. Drink and drive: i don't drive so
189. Snore: no
190. Sleep walk: No
191. Like watching sunrises and sunsets: no, it's like watching paint dry

Section Eleven: Have you ever

192. Flashed someone: not on purpose
193. Gotten so drunk til you threw up everywhere: no
194. Told that person how you felt: yeah
195. Been arrested: almost
196. Gone to jail or juve: no
197. Skateboarded: too scared
198. Skinny dipped: yeah
199. Rock climbed: no upper body strength
200. Killed someone: yes totally i murder people every day
201. Watched porn: yeah who hasn't
202. Gone on a road trip: to my grandparents in michigan yeah
203. Went out of the country: no
204. Talked back to an adult: no
205. Broken a law: plenty
206. Got pulled over: yeah
208: Cried to get out of trouble: yeah
209. Let a friend cry on your shoulder: all my friends are guys they typically keep to themselves
210. Kissed a brother's or sister's friend: all too old or too young hah though there was this one guy i would've
211. Kissed a friend's brother or sister: nope, never met any of my friend's siblings
212. Dropped something on the floor and let someone eat it anyways: no, but i've eaten things that were on the floor for a second
213. Moon someone: no
214. Shop-lifted: yeah
215. Worked at McDonald's: never worked, period
216. Eaten a dog: no
217. Give money to a homeless person: no
218. Glued your hand to yourself: no
219. Kissed someone of the same sex: no
220. Had a one night stand: no
221. Smoked: no
222. Done drugs: no
223. Lose a friend because of your ex: no lol my friend's don't care what i do with my sex life
224. Slap someone for being stupid: i've never hit anyone
225. Had cyber sex: yes sadly but it was awkward and ended before it even started really
226. Wish you were the opposite sex: sometimes
227. Caught someone doing something: yeah, caught my brother and aformentioned friend i would've kissed watching porn
228. Played a game that removes clothing: not yet
229. Cried during a movie: yeah
230. Cried over someone: yeah, i can't help crying when i see/hear someone else cry
231. Wanted to hook up with a friend: yeh totes
232. Hooked up with someone you barely met: no
233. Ran away from home: no
234. Cheated on a test: cheat on everything hah

Section Twelve: Would you

235. Bungee jump: depends where
236. Sky dive: noooooooo
237. Swim with dolphins: if it isn't a really deep tank/dark
238. Steal a friend's bf or gf: hah no
239. Try to be the opposite sex: if pretending, yeah sure i do it all the time
240. Lie to the police: no
241. Run from the police: no
242. Lie to your parents: depends what for
243. Backstab a friend for your own well being: no
244. Be an exotic dancer: no
245. *mentally scarring question here* fuck you

Section Thirteen: Are you

246. Shy: yes
247. Loud: with friends/sister
248. Nice: mostly
249: Outgoing: no
250: Quiet: usually
251. Mean: i can be
252. Emotional: yes
253. Sensitive: yes
254. Gay: no
255. Strong: not at all physically, somewhat emotionally
256. Weak: yes
257. Caring: depends who for
258. Dangerous: yeah stay away from me i'll fuck your shit up
259. Crazy: probably
260. Spontaneous: meh
261. Funny: I try
262. Sweet: kinda
263. Sharing: when it's not food
264. Responsible: kinda
265. Trustworthy: yeah
266. Open-minded: mostly
267. Creative: enough
268. Cute: i can be kinda
269. Slick: meh
270. Smart: somewhat
271. Dumb: somewhat
272. Evil: somewhat
273. Ghetto: no
274. Classy: meh
275. Photogenic: nope
276. Dependable: depends
277. Greedy: kinda
278. Ugly: no
279. Messy: kinda
280. Neat: not really
281. Perverted: yeah
282. Silly: Yeah
283. A B****: damn straight no
284. A Good Listener: depends
285. A Fighter: no
286. A Party Animal: not in the least
287. A Game Freak: kinda
288. A Computer Freak: yeah

Section Fourteen: Future

289. Dream job: childfree housewife/part time vet assistant
290. Dream house: studio apartment hah. anywhere where there isn't a lot of bugs, not a lot of neighbors, and a backyard
291. Husband/Wife: him
292. Kids: no never
293. Names: Not and Happening
294. Pets: 2 dogs, jellyfish maybe/just fish/cat
295. Car: whatever he has
296. Age you would want to get married: 30's
297. Best Man/Bride's Maid: My friends
298. Honeymoon: tropical area

Section Fifteen: Your friends 

299. Best friend: him
300. Known the longest: him
301. Craziest: bobby? i guess
302. Loudest: jordan
303. Shyest: chris
304. Best hair: bobby has natural gray streaks
305. Best eyes: meh
306. Best body: meh
307. Most Athletic: kody prob
308. Hot-Tempered: kody
309. Most impatient: kody hah
310. Shortest: katie
311. Tallest: jaden the amazon freak
312. Skinniest: me or chris
313. Best singer: me hueeheuehehu
314. Funniest: xavier
315. Can always make you laugh: everyone geez
316. Wish you talked to more: jaden?
317. Wish you saw more: everyone
318. Who drives you insane after a while: all of them
319. Who you can stay around forever and never get sick of: bobby, he doesn't talk much
320. Ever lose a friend because you took it to the 'next level': yeah but they were good losses
321. Whose always been there when you need them: i don't need
322. Who is like your family: none of em
323. How many friends do you have?: about 9 real friends, tons of acquaintances
324. How many are really close? about 4

Section Sixteen: The last

325. Thing you ate: tostitos bite sized chips and salsa
326. Thing you drank: chocolate silk
327. Thing you wore: i am wearing a t-shirt and pj pants
328. Thing you did: Question #327
329. Place you went: pet smart for flea shampoo
330. Thing you got pierced or tattooed: my ears when i was 10/11
331. Person you saw: my mom
332. Person you hugged: him
333. Person you kissed: him
334. Person you fucked: him
335. Person you talked to online: chris or jaden
336. Person you talked to on the phone: mom
337. Song you heard: Payphone - Maroon 5
338. Show you saw: thi show where they build cool aquariums
339. Time you fought with your parents: never
340. Time you fought with a friend: never ha
341. Words you said: "fuck i don't know" after reading this question

Section Seventeen: Now

343. What are you eating: my fingers
344. What are you drinking: spit
345. What are you thinking: headache also my wrists are sore
346. What are you wearing: teal t-shirt, pj pants
347. What are you doing: this
349. Hair: gross
350. Mood: meh
351. Listening to: animal noises outside
352. Talking to anyone: no
353. Watching anything: no

Section Eighteen: Yes or No

354. Are you a vegetarian: no
355. Are you a carnivore: no
356. Are you heterosexual: yes
357. Do you like penguins: yes
358. Do you write poetry: no
359. Do you see stupid people: "i see stupid people; they don't know they're stupid"
360. You + Me: no
361. Do you like the Osbournes: no
362. Can you see flying pigs: no
363. Do you sleep with stuffed animals on your bed: no
364. Are you from Afghanistan: no
365. Is Christina Aguilera ugly: no
366. Are you a zombie: no
367. Am i annoying you: yes
368. Do you bite your nails: yes
369. Can you cross your eyes: yes
370. Do you make your bed in the morning: no
371. Have you touched someone's private part: "private part"? what are we, 3? yes

Section Nineteen: This or That

372. Winter or Summer: Winter
373. Spring or Autumn: Autumn
374. Shakira or Britney: Shakira
375. MTV or VH1: VH1
376. Black or White: Black
377. Yellow or Pink: Yellow
378. Football or Basketball: Basketball
379. Mobile Phone or Pager: Mobile phone
380. Pen or Pencil: Pen
381. Cold or Hot: Cold
382. Tattoos or Piercings: Tattoos
383. Inside or Outside: Inside
384. Weed or Alcohol: None
385. Coke or Pepsi: Coke
386. Tape or Glue: Tape
387. McDonald's or In-n-Out: both i don't discriminate

Section Twenty: Opinions

388. What do you think about classical music: meh
389. About boy bands: meh
390. About suicide: meh
391. About people who try to force their opinions on you: fuck you
392. About teen pregnancy: idiots
393. Where do you think you'll be in 10 years: hope where i want to be
394. Who do you think you'll still be friends with in 5 years: no one
395. About gay people: they're great

Section Twenty-One:

396. Do you have a website: no
397. Current weather right now: just weather
398. Current time: 7:36pm almost bedtime
399. Any shout outs: to the guy who'll be reading this soon :D
400. Last thoughts: doot doot
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